Visual/Textual Special Issue

We’re excited to announce the publication of the Visual/Textual Special Issue in Studies in Material Thinking (SMT) Journal based on RTD 2013. This special issue, Visual/Textual, came out of our experience and observations of the first RTD conference during September 2013. Many of the contributors to Visual/Textual originally participated and presented their research at this conference and were invited to develop it in response to the issue’s main theme. Visual/Textual not only extends discussions and themes emergent in the new RTD conference series, it has also created an opportunity to bring the discussion about supporting the dissemination of research through design to a wider audience. SMT offers a different communication modality, a platform that is significantly different from the face to face, conversational and artefact-focused experience of the RTD conference event.
Photo: Michael Shorter. © 2014 Michael Shorter. Experimental interactive device using electronic components and conductive ink.